Incident - Waihi Region Wednesday 12th April 2023 08:50:09

Latest update:

Our upstream fibre provider carried our remedial works late yesterday evening to restore fibre services to full via a temporary overlay. At this point we do not expect any further disruptions to service and anticipate works for a permanent solution to be carried out during non-impacting hours. We will otherwise notify you again if permanent repair works are likely to affect service.

If you have any more questions, please contact us on 0800 12 13 14 or


[2023-04-12 15:11:44 NZST] The local fibre provider has estimated the fault location to be where contractors have excavated a large piece of land. They are attempting to identify the exact location of the fibre break so that remediation works can be carried out, but have indicated their efforts may be hindered by the excavation works. At this time they are unable to provide an ETR.

We will continue to provide updates as we receive them. If you have any more questions, please contact us on 0800 12 13 14 or

[2023-04-12 09:17:32 NZST] Local fibre provider has indicated that technicians will arrive on site at 9:15am

[2023-04-12 08:46:17 NZST] Lightwire has been informed of a major fibre cut in the Waihi region that supports all Lightwire sites in the Waihi region. Customers will be experiencing a degraded service until the local provider is able to fix the fibre cut.

Lightwire will keep you updated as we receive new information on the status of the issue. If you have any more questions, please contact us on 0800 12 13 14 or