Notification of Unplanned Carrier Outage Thursday 20th March 2025 14:34:22

Latest update:

The Upstream Carrier has resolved this outage now on their end.

If your connection remains offline, re-boot all on-site equipment. Failing that, please reach out to our Support Team on 0800 534 567.


[2025-03-20 17:14:00 NZDT] Our Upstream Lines Carrier has informed us they've identified the location of the fibre strike and are currently working on repairs. An ETR has not been provided at this stage, but we will continue to provide any further updates as we receive them.

[2025-03-20 14:33:41 NZDT] An Upstream Lines Carrier has identified a fault on their network that will be causing connections affected to be offline. They are currently investigating this, but have not provided and ETR just yet. We will send through any updates as we receive them.

If you have any questions regarding this, please reach out to our Support Team on 0800 534 567.